About Michelle Myers

Michelle Myers is the founder of she works HIS way and Cross Training Couture, the creator of Network Marketing Nobility and the author of Famous in Heaven and at Home. Her passion is the swHw mission: encouraging and connecting women who pursue God first at home and at work. She calls Asheville, NC home, alongside her husband, James, and three children, Noah, Cole and Shea.

March 2021

Planning: The Simplest Path Forward

By |2021-03-15T13:52:37-04:00March 15th, 2021|Classes|

Is planning even possible right now? This question hasn't just come across my desk...it has crossed my own mind several times throughout the last year. Double the good news: I'm right there with you, and yes, planning is still possible. We just have to continuously purify our motives + refuse to lose sight of the mission. Because the truth is: we often over-complicate forward progress. Whether you come to the workshop on Wednesday or not: the simplest path forward is found through listening and meeting the needs of others. So if "planning" stresses you out, I wonder if maybe you've simply fallen into the habit of doing a lot of talking and putting your own desires in front of the needs of others. (It's easy to do!) In a letter to the church at Corinth, Paul emphasized his role in the work God had called him and a ministry partner to do like this: "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:6 Have you been so busy trying to make it grow... that you've lost focus on the "planting" and "watering" associated [...]

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Self-Control: A Funeral for Your Flesh

By |2021-03-11T09:31:51-05:00March 11th, 2021|Classes|

This week's conversation on self-control with Somer Phoebus got real, real fast... because well... it was what is rarely said but needed to be said. Biblical self-control is often reduced to be similar to willpower, but in reality, the attitudes and actions of the two are completely different. Members, the full class is up in the member group and the member portal, but if you can't watch immediately and still want to dig into this, read through Galatians 5:19-23. So often, we skip straight to the fruits of the Spirit and in doing so, we skip over the works of the flesh. These verses bring incredible clarity in how to see the difference between living in the flesh vs. living by the Spirit. Just look: works of the flesh: sexual immorality impurity sensuality idolatry sorcery enmity strife jealousy fits of anger rivalries dissensions divisions envy drunkenness orgies fruits of the Spirit: love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control Login  or become a member to join the conversation. We love digging into His truth with you!

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Biblical Body Image: A Convo You May Not Know You Need

By |2021-03-04T10:33:43-05:00March 4th, 2021|Classes|

"I didn't know how much I needed this..." "I didn't know how much I needed this..." has been the resounding echo since class ended on Wednesday with Liz + Summer of Healthy, Whole and Free. Let's be honest: body image is usually a heavy subject. And while Liz + Summer didn't shy away from any truth, they simplified why it often feels so heavy: because we attempt to carry it on our own. Truthfully, this may be the first time you ever listen to a faith-based fitness conversation and leave feeling lighter. Liz challenged us with this question in class: "What have you not participated in fully because of your dissatisfaction and distraction?" ^ That's what they mean when they talk breaking free from body image bondage. It's difficult to be effective for the Kingdom and truly show up in our lives if we are self-focused. And that's exactly what poor body image does. We become distracted from what matters most by our dissatisfaction with ourselves. This convo is not the typical advice you hear. But that's kinda what we do around here, as what the world typically shares is rarely what is [...]

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February 2021

Questions We’ve Answered Recently

By |2021-03-04T08:32:41-05:00February 25th, 2021|Uncategorized|

You can learn a lot about someone by the questions they ask... so in case you've been curious to know if the SWHW community is right for you, here's a few of the questions our community wanted to talk about in this month's Q+A: WAITING In a season of waiting, how to determine if God is wanting you to be patient, do His work where you are right now, or if he’s saying this isn’t for you anymore, take a leap of faith and move on? // I would second this. I'm struggling greatly working in the secular field. Are my urges to leave, me or Him. Is it me being uncomfortable or really the Holy Spirit nudging me? How do you move forward in answering God’s call when you’re confident in His calling, but your spouse isn’t on the same page? CAREER I will start a new job next week! How does one begin well when a new door opens? My team seems to be in a really low place with the pandemic and moral just feels really heavy and dark. How do I help my [...]

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September 2017

Top Five Graphic Design Blunders to Avoid

By |2021-10-20T15:26:04-04:00September 28th, 2017|Business|

With an increase in advertisements, social reach, websites, and communication tools, it’s easy to overlook some essential graphic design rules. Don’t miss out on gaining a new client or converting your ad into a sale because of simple mistakes! The information below goes beyond stretching logos and using bad fonts (which are big no-no’s) and aims to help you understand that what you communicate in your design is just as important as how it looks. Here are five of the top graphic design blunders to avoid and how to fix them: 1.) MISSING BASIC INFORMATION I hate to state the obvious, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen an invitation, advertisement, or publication that fails to give the most important information necessary for someone to take action or get involved! If you are having a barbecue at your home, but forget to put the time and the date on the invitation – you’re not only confusing your guests, but creating MUCH more work for yourself on the back-end in having to communicate details to each person on your guest list! TIP: Always make sure you're addressing the who, what, where, when, (sometimes the why), and an [...]

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