June 2024

The Danger of Criticism

By |2024-06-28T09:34:30-04:00June 28th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Okay, so criticism. Let's talk about it. It's to be expected (hopefully in a healthy way) in the workplace. Mutual respect and love should be the foundation of it in our homes. But what about in the Church? Right now in the Christian Church, there are countless points of criticism and arguing and, frankly, they seem pretty silly. There are things dividing us that aren't elevating or fighting for the Gospel. In reality, these arguments/criticisms are elevating our own personal thoughts and opinions. What's the danger of criticism? The division it causes within the Church and the damage it does to the testimony of the Church to the outside, watching world. Paul wrote a letter about it in Romans 14. In this week's bonus Patreon Workshop, Somer takes time to deep dive into what Paul wrote. She's tackling how to keep the Gospel the main thing amidst diverse opinions and convictions. And make sure to watch until the end for permission to love each other well EVEN when you don't agree with each other. This is one you'll take notes on - grab your favorite pen (we know you have one) and notebook. We'll see you over there. [...]

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You in?

By |2024-06-03T19:22:44-04:00June 3rd, 2024|Uncategorized|

We did a podcast episode talking about how our 40ish-year-old bodies change and the really annoying fact that what we did in our 20's maybe isn't as effective anymore. And, as we like to do, we chased the idea of what it could look like to gather with other women who want to prioritize their health and stewarding our bodies in a way that's good, right and holy. So that's why we want to invite you to... ((drum roll PLEASE - are you drum rolling? Tell the truth.)) We're going to spend this summer being really, really honest with with each other and really, really open about the fact that maybe some of us are in a place right now where this is the last thing we want to do or maybe we've heard about the Summer Challenge and are already judging whatever is happening here by thinking, "Oh, this would never work for me." We have a simple ask, whether you do the Challenge or not: Start with surrender. Surrender your body to the Lord. Ask for a clear and open mind, asking God to bring to light if you've been neglecting your body/health and [...]

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May 2024

It’s Not All On You

By |2024-05-20T10:00:09-04:00May 20th, 2024|Uncategorized|

We talk a lot about overwhelm here. The truth is, sometimes that overwhelm is rooted in an inability to release control. Ugh. Just typing that stings. But what we've realized over time is our desire to make sure everything gets done effectively and efficiently sometimes means we think doing it all ourselves is the only option for getting it done right. Thus…overwhelm. The answer is learning to share the load. Delegation isn't pushing work off on others, it's empower others to function in their gifting while allowing you to do the same. Somer and Michelle share their personal experiences and discuss what changed their perspectives on delegating. We talk about… The Key to Leadership and Capacity The Importance of Responsibility and Growth Personal Delegation: A Strategy for Success Investing in Others Through Delegation Delegation and Personal Growth

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When Your Insecurities Start Calling The Shots

By |2024-05-13T11:23:01-04:00May 13th, 2024|Uncategorized|

It's the worst, isn't it? You leave a meeting, conversation or quick scroll and your thoughts take a turn toward all you're not. Or, maybe, like you're too much. When our insecurities gain power, our God-given assignment becomes shrouded in doubt. There's less joy in running in your lane because now you're questioning if it was ever even your lane to run in. This episode in particular is rooted in a moment of feeling too much - but all insecurities flow from one place: Feeling like you're not enough. In today's conversation, Somer and Callie, a SWHW teammate, talk about what to do with all of those thoughts and feelings that take over in the quiet moments: Did I talk a lot? Should I have said that? Why did I do that? ...Am I too much? If you've ever been deemed intimidating, told you ask too many questions, encouraged to calm down (the ultimate ick) or sat in a room and felt like you needed to temper who you are - this conversation is for you. For all the ambitious women who are going hard in the direction God has called you - don't slow down. This episode is [...]

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Parenting With Hope

By |2024-05-13T11:21:30-04:00May 6th, 2024|Uncategorized|

This is it - the week before Mother’s Day. And chances are good it snuck up on you because somehow January-February were 4739 years long and March-April were approximately 7.4 seconds. We don’t have a gift guide for you (although our favorite things from Amazon could be a great place to start) - but we do have a pretty incredible episode for all moms, grandparents, potential moms-to-be and mentors. Melissa Kruger has walked with Michelle through motherhood, and right on time -- just two weeks after her oldest became a teenager -- Melissa released a new book on raising teens with Jesus as the focus. In this episode, we dive deep into God's heart for parenting our teens, including: the risks of defaulting to parent out of motivations other than hope laying the foundation for the teen years in childhood years biggest challenges + opportunities in raising teens today the reminder that it's never too late to parent (or grandparent!) out of hope Basically - parenting is tough. But you’re not alone in it. Let this episode be a reminder that we’re doing our best and hope always wins. Find more from Melissa here: Follow Melissa on Instagram. Buy [...]

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