It’s the worst, isn’t it? You leave a meeting, conversation or quick scroll and your thoughts take a turn toward all you’re not. Or, maybe, like you’re too much.

When our insecurities gain power, our God-given assignment becomes shrouded in doubt. There’s less joy in running in your lane because now you’re questioning if it was ever even your lane to run in.

This episode in particular is rooted in a moment of feeling too much – but all insecurities flow from one place: Feeling like you’re not enough.

In today’s conversation, Somer and Callie, a SWHW teammate, talk about what to do with all of those thoughts and feelings that take over in the quiet moments:

Did I talk a lot?
Should I have said that?
Why did I do that?
…Am I too much?

If you’ve ever been deemed intimidating, told you ask too many questions, encouraged to calm down (the ultimate ick) or sat in a room and felt like you needed to temper who you are – this conversation is for you.

For all the ambitious women who are going hard in the direction God has called you – don’t slow down. This episode is a reminder that “too much” in the hands of God is actually just right.

Somer and Callie talk about:

  • Complexities of Ambition and Identity
  • Overcoming Insecurity
  • Battling Spiritual Warfare and Embracing Your ‘Too Muchness’
  • Prayer and Vulnerability in Leadership
  • What’s the Holy Spirit and How Do You Invite Him Into Every Area

All our too much or not enough ladies – don’t live in the lie. Push play and send this episode to the women in your life who need the same reminder!

Wanna Scroll Less? Us, too.

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