May 2019

Laying Down Striving for Surrendered Effort

By |2020-05-08T13:19:33-04:00May 17th, 2019|Business, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family|

Life includes numerous roles and responsibilities. In the home alone, you can be nurse, teacher, chef, and taxi driver—all in the same five minutes. But can I ask you a question? When you look at “all the things,” do you ever get overwhelmed? Do you ever feel the pressure to find “balance” in your life, but don’t know where to begin? I’ve been there, friend. I spent years trying to achieve life balance. But whenever I had a glimmer of hope that balance was in sight, our season would change, causing me to begin again. Can you relate? It’s been an imperfect journey, but over the last few years, I’ve realized why I never achieved that life balance I strived so hard to find: God never intended me to balance my life. The word“balance” implies everything in your life has equal importance. But God’s Word lovingly teaches about our priorities: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” - Matthew 6:33 In simple terms? Put God first, and He orders everything else. I know I’ve spent a large portion of my life striving to get “all the things.” [...]

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December 2018

2019 Bible Reading Plan

By |2020-05-08T13:22:05-04:00December 17th, 2018|Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family, Uncategorized|

We believe that the decision to be in God’s Word positively affects every other decision we make. While we pray our swHw teachings remind you of what God has already said, there’s no replacement for going straight to the source of His Word, which is why we like to provide a free Bible reading plan every year - whether you are a swHw member or not. We heard such great feedback of how much you loved 2018's chronological plan that we're keeping that approach for this year too -- but we also heard from many of you that it was hard waiting until October to dive into the New Testament. (We felt the same way!) This year's plan includes a side-by-side chronological reading plan of the Old Testament and the New Testament. This way, you'll get a slower-paced read of the life of Jesus + spreading of the gospel all year long, alongside a historical reading of the Old Testament. You can think of the Old Testament as a sonogram - a picture of what was to come - and the New Testament as a living, breathing snapshot of God coming down to do for us what we could [...]

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November 2018

No for Now Does Not Mean No Forever

By |2020-05-08T13:23:12-04:00November 8th, 2018|Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family|

Have you ever been offered an amazing opportunity, only to get that feeling in the pit of your stomach, knowing you need to say no? Of course, sometimes the timing is just off or you’ve already committed to other things and the only reasonable answer to an invitation or opportunity is no. But we’ve all found ourselves jumping through hoops of justification, haven’t we? Convincing ourselves that saying yes is really the prudent thing, what with the worthiness of the cause or the flattery of the offer. This happened twenty years ago when my husband Andy and I were starting our church. I was raising three young kids, homeschooling our oldest for kindergarten, and juggling all the details of young family life, so I didn’t have much margin for adding to-dos to the to-do list. As conversations began about what the church’s women’s ministry would look like, I was approached about joining the team. Now I could come up with dozens of justifications for saying yes—I’m not making a long-term commitment, it’s just important for me to help get the ministry started. I could have a significant impact on so many women! But I had already committed to homeschooling [...]

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October 2018

Narrow 2018 Recap

By |2020-05-08T13:23:21-04:00October 26th, 2018|Business, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family, Uncategorized|

Unity is one of those things that is hard to describe, but impossible to miss. And I think everyone who was at Narrow 2018 would agree, that’s exactly what we experienced: Unity. And not because our work lives or family lives look the same, but because we all share an intense desire to follow Jesus. No one came to see the speakers or be seen themselves. The spirit in the room was a hunger to hear from God Himself. I think most of the time when people attend a business conference, there’s this front that everyone tries to put up of having their life all together. Thankfully, that was missing. Instead, it was just a room full of women desiring to get their life right – by God’s definition. Praise Him for doing everything we prayed for and more. Heartfelt thanks to each of you who were there and made this weekend what it was. You bless us so much! Here are the top 3 takeaways from each swHw team member: Michelle Myers We use our passion to excuse many things in life, but especially our pride. Make sure you’re not falsely identifying your pride as “passion.” – Somer Phoebus "It [...]

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February 2018

5 Tips to Bring Back Dignity to Sales

By |2020-05-08T13:27:59-04:00February 8th, 2018|Business, Faith, Family|

In my experience, I’ve met very few she works HIS way women who are okay with saying they’re good at sales. For some reason, most insist, “I just don’t want to be a salesperson,” or they hide behind this false assumption that they simply aren’t skilled when it comes to sales. And while I am totally on board with you not wanting to be a creepy, annoying or sleezy salesperson, sales is an unavoidable part of business. Everyone has to sell at some point. So before we go any further, let’s clarify what being good at sales actually means. Being good at sales does not mean you’re good at manipulating customers to give you money. Being good at sales does not mean you excel at exaggerating your product or service to appear better than you actually are. Being good at sales does not mean that you haggle people until they give in just to make you go away. But instead… Being good at sales means you are good at listening to consumer needs and finding them the best solution to their problem. Being good at sales means you genuinely care about getting others connected to your product/service because you [...]

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