July swHw Mastermind
You know when the conversation includes, "Should I focus on investing in Pinterest coaching or SEO support to grow my business?" AND "How do I not feel guilty about having to work when my kids want my full attention?" you're in a swHw Mastermind. Michelle and Somer love answering all of the practical questions our members submit each month for this special class, but let's be clear, swHw exists to go above and beyond business consulting by providing a safe place for Jesus-loving working women to ask the questions that may be hard to find answers to anywhere else. And spoiler alert: we're always going to point you to God's Word so you don't have to worry about getting bad information. Here are the 16 questions that Michelle and Somer answered in 65 minutes: . Should I invest in a Pinterest Training or SEO support to grow my business? I want to start a membership site, what do I need to know? How do I not feel guilty about having to work when my kids want my attention? How do I pursue success without feeling like it's self serving? Best practices for newsletters/blogs? [...]