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November 2023

Work & Rest Aren’t in Opposition

By |2023-11-29T10:50:41-05:00November 27th, 2023|Uncategorized|

For a lot of us, thinking about rest gets us real worked up because when we hear that word, our thoughts immediately turn to all that won't get done if we actually rest. That's a big fat red flag that we're looking at work & rest as enemies of each other instead of as the BFFs they're meant to be. Rest requires prep. It requires planning and effort to be ready to take the time off. Otherwise, our "rest" is hijacked by the to-do's that fell into the to-didn'ts before our designated time off. This week, Somer and Michelle have a conversation about preparing for time off. They'll walk you through what they do to get ready for extended time off or just for a weekly sabbath. Hear this: Rest is God's very good idea. It's how He designed us to live. When we go against our created design - we'll never flourish. Work and rest are not in opposition. Let's talk about it.

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You’re Probably Doing This, Too

By |2023-11-20T11:05:03-05:00November 20th, 2023|Uncategorized|

We feel it - especially at the end of the year. Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually - one area (or all areas) are feeling the tension of a pace we're pretty sure we can't maintain. "Just until the end of the year, and then things will slow down." How many times do we say that to ourselves? "Just until _____________, and then things will slow down." But then what happens? Something new inevitably comes along to fill that blank and we find ourselves saying it all over again. If we aren't pausing to assess where our hearts are at, then we're setting ourselves up for exhaustion, quick-to-anger, frustration and numbness. Let me say it as plainly as I can: You don’t have to increase in order for God to increase. If you think the solution to the problem is more control, more time, more to-dos, more employees...more, then you're probably positioning yourself as the savior in your circumstance. You are not the solution. Jesus is. God’s increase is in no shape, form, or fashion, dependent on your increase. I believe a large portion of stress in kingdom work is rooted in the desire of dual increase: His mission + [...]

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You Don’t Need That!

By |2023-11-13T13:33:57-05:00November 13th, 2023|Uncategorized|

You probably already know this, but let's revisit it with some numbers behind it... A study released by the American Psychological Association reported that the second and third leading causes for holiday stress are a lack of money (62%) and commercialism (53%). Yikes. We're seeing "SALE" every time we scroll or turn on our wind-down show at the end of the day, and our fingers itch to go take a look because honestly we never knew how much we needed that 72% off salad spinner and what if it's never on sale like this again?!? The next few weeks will be amplified, feeding us a constant stream of inadequacy and the pressure to buy into most of our everyday life. But we're choosing to hit reset. We're backing up and taking a bigger perspective. What would it look like to focus more on where you're distributing your time, talent and treasure instead of just your dollars? What happens when you feel obligated to be, buy and do all the holiday things? Resentment. That's what happens. What if we choose joy over obligation? More importantly...how do we choose joy over obligation? Catch today's podcast, A Conversation About Big Spending & [...]

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Holiday permission slips – we’ve got you covered!

By |2023-11-06T13:33:43-05:00November 6th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Holidays are here! We've been having these conversations with you long enough to know that some of you already have your Christmas tree up, others of you think it's basically blasphemy to disrespect Thanksgiving like that, and the rest of you wish you could hit a fast-forward button to January. So in honor of our first holiday episode that goes live today on our best + worst Thanksgiving stories (get excited!), we're handing out permission slips today that we hope will lower any of your added stress and pressure over these next two months. Sounds good? Take the one(s) you need! Permission Slip to Not Be Pinterest-Worthy: You heard it here: Meals don't have to be flawless and gifts don't have to be extravagant. Laughter + shared moments make memories -- not perfection. Permission Slip to Keep It Simple: Whether it's reducing the number of dishes for the feast or only saying yes to a few extras on the calendar + in the budget, simplifying allows room for greater intentionality + enjoyment. Permission Slip to Let Go of Expectations: Release yourself from the pressure of meeting everyone's expectations, including your own. If the majority of your life is [...]

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Our 7 Favorite Advent Resources

By |2023-11-03T09:52:58-04:00November 2nd, 2023|Uncategorized|

It’s almost Advent time – a time of reflection, anticipation, and preparation. This time of year invites us to prepare our hearts and minds for the celebration of Christ's birth so we will actively remember the hope, peace, joy, and love that He brings into our lives. There are so many Advent resources designed to help us remember the true meaning of Christmas – so many that it can be hard to narrow down. Here are a few of our favorites: family Giving Manger (preschool, young elementary)  The Giving Manger helps families shift the focus of Christmas back to giving. Every time a family member does something kind for someone else, they get to place a piece of straw in the manger. On Christmas Day, the Baby is placed in the manger filled with service and love. As your family serves one another and others, you’ll find your hearts + home have more of the kind of joy only Jesus offers us. Tiny Theologians ABCs of Christmas Cards (elementary)  This set of ABC Cards helps your kids understand what the holiday season is all about: [...]

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