It doesn’t officially release until tomorrow… but if you’ve been here a while, you know I struggle to keep a good secret in, SO I just ordered my copy, and here I am sending an email out about it. That sounds about right.

Philippians has always been one of my favorites of Paul’s letters — but this last time I read through it, it really resonated with me in a new way.

Not just in a learning kind of way, but a living kind of way. I actually feel like I spent 2023 feeling like I was fighting for joy. Sometimes, I felt like I was fighting for joy against my circumstance. Other times, I felt like I was fighting for joy amidst the broken world. Anybody else?

But the truth? I was fighting my flesh. I was so busy looking around that I wasn’t pressing into the hope I have in heaven…which provides MORE than enough joy for right now.

With millions of Americans struggling with their mental health, it’s safe to say that joy could be a game changer for a lot of us.

In our conversation today, we discuss the value in practicing and pursuing joy using the book of Philippians and the example of Paul as our anchoring truth on the matter. Whether you’re struggling with joy or you’re close to someone who is, this is a convo you’ll want in on!

If you’re craving more joy, I’d love to walk through Philippians verse-by-verse with you in this commentary. Launch day is officially tomorrow, but you can order yours early here.

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