We feel it – especially at the end of the year.

Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually – one area (or all areas) are feeling the tension of a pace we’re pretty sure we can’t maintain.

“Just until the end of the year, and then things will slow down.”

How many times do we say that to ourselves?
“Just until _____________, and then things will slow down.”

But then what happens? Something new inevitably comes along to fill that blank and we find ourselves saying it all over again.

If we aren’t pausing to assess where our hearts are at, then we’re setting ourselves up for exhaustion, quick-to-anger, frustration and numbness.

Let me say it as plainly as I can: You don’t have to increase in order for God to increase.

If you think the solution to the problem is more control, more time, more to-dos, more employees…more, then you’re probably positioning yourself as the savior in your circumstance.

You are not the solution. Jesus is.

God’s increase is in no shape, form, or fashion, dependent on your increase.

I believe a large portion of stress in kingdom work is rooted in the desire of dual increase:

His mission + my mission.
His agenda + my agenda.
His name + my name.

Imagine what it would be like if you were solely focused on His increase. If you took all of those growth requirements away, what would that mean for you?

Answer honestly: Would your life look drastically different than it does now?

Here’s the good news: that’s not just some dreamy far-off wishful thinking. That’s exactly how God calls us to live – for His increase alone.

The best place to start is with our new favorite assessment that we’re talking about in today’s podcast episode. Putting everything in its rightful place is the best way to make sure you’re in the right place.

Go on over and push play.

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