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How to Make an Impact for Jesus at Your Kids School
I grew up largely in a Christian bubble. Most of my childhood and even [...]
6 Tips for Those of You that Work From Home
2020 created some new opportunities for a lot of us working women, including telework. [...]
Taking the Gospel to the Marketplace
How to: Witness Without Words
In an increasingly noisy world where quietness is really hard to find, here are [...]
When I Feel ______, I Read _____.
God's Word is always the best place to go when our feelings and minds [...]
5 Rhythms to Remember God at Work
Pray. You are more likely to do work that's for God as you talk [...]
25 Books Every Jesus-Loving Working Woman Should Read
Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of personal and professional development books on the market? [...]
People are Hard: A Christian’s Guide to Dealing with Stressful Relationships
The She Works His Way Podcast
Every Monday, we’re dropping a fresh conversation on an age-old dilemma: Doing what matters when everything’s competing to matter most.
Every episode is meant to give the perspective we need to take on a week of tug-of-war between everything we think we need to do and what we actually need to do.
We talk about things like…
The She Works His Way Podcast
Every Monday, we’re dropping a fresh conversation on an age-old dilemma: Doing what matters when everything’s competing to matter most.
Every episode is meant to give the perspective we need to take on a week of tug-of-war between everything we think we need to do and what we actually need to do.
We talk about things like…
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