Loving Your Team and Bettering Your Business: Five Simple Ways to Incentivize Your Team
A huge part of leading is being able to motivate those you lead. It’s not always easy to figure out, but it is always, always worth it once you do. Loving your team to serve better, to work harder, and to win bigger is going to benefit everyone. Here are five ways you can incentivize your team that will increase productivity and create results where everyone wins! Personal Incentive - These are the incentives that show how well you know your team. If you have an assistant that loves dark chocolate and cool pens, you keep a stash of both in your office. This may be considered bribery as much as incentivizing but the personal touch and the fact that you’ve already invested in the items shows that you believe in your team, you care about them as individuals, and you want to see them happy. Celebration Incentive - If a goal is reached, it’s lunch on you. Order in and take the time to set up wherever you’re dining together with visual reminders of why they’re there. Maybe the team increased in sales 30% this month. 30% should be the theme of the lunch. The atmosphere should be [...]