About Somer Phoebus

Somer Phoebus is an entrepreneur, lead communicator and managing partner for swHw, a pastor's wife, and a mom of 2 girls. She’s also the creator of the 3 Step Planner and Productivity 101 which you can find in the swHw shop.

October 2021

Our Response to Culture

By |2021-10-11T08:53:52-04:00October 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|

How can we be aware of culture’s twisted versions of God’s truth without making an enemy of culture? It’s a reasonable question. And one that we felt called to address in our new book. The first part of the question can be answered somewhat simply. Just read your Bible so you know God’s truth and can identify when it’s being twisted. But the second part of the question can be a little more complicated… “without making an enemy of culture.” Continue reading on Val Marie Paper...

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September 2021

Gospel Definitions (not the cheap knock-offs)

By |2021-09-29T13:32:08-04:00September 27th, 2021|Uncategorized|

She Works His Way exists to remind us of what God's Word tells us and what Jesus showed us so that we can live our lives intentionally pursuing His way. One of the ways we do that is by illuminating the truth of the gospel and calling out the lies of the enemy. So we're really excited about a new series for our digital resource library that does just that: There are words all throughout Scripture that the world has taken and rebranded to fit the culture we live in. Good words like ambition, boundaries, and purpose. So for the first edition, we've put together the ones we see taking women off track the most. In it, we give you the real definition (the gospel definition!), as well as passages of Scripture to show you the source of the definition. Example: maturity: growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18) creativity: meeting others' needs in new ways (1 Peter 4:10) Don't succumb to the cheap knock off definitions. Submit to God's definitions. Join the SWHW network and you'll get immediate access to our resource library with this resource and many others. [...]

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5 Truths Every Working Woman Needs to Know

By |2021-09-08T17:06:57-04:00September 8th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Work "It's how the gospel redeems us for life." -Tom Nelson Vocation Comes from the Latin root word: vocatio which means, "to be called upon." Our vocation is quite literally our calling. Calling Our calling will involve two things: a certain group of people and certain work. This makes the Greatest Commandment and The Great Commission both found in Matthew even more clear. Love God, love people: PEOPLE Go and make disciples: WORK Purpose Nothing other than to become more like Jesus. Literally nothing. Purpose The work a believer does. Whatever, wherever, whenever, however. If we can walk into work everyday (no matter what our job is or where it takes place) knowing in the depths of our soul that these 5 things are true, we'll probably find more fulfillment in our work, contentment with our job description, and deeper relationships with our people. For more, join now and watch Somer's full class: "Vocation: To Be Called Upon" available [...]

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August 2021

Do You Trust Me Enough to Walk Instead of Run?

By |2021-08-16T16:42:41-04:00August 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Dara LaPorta was reading a book that encouraged her to practice silence and solitude to hear from the Lord. As a fitness professional, she decided she would combine the challenge with her workout and go for a run. No podcast. No music. Just the open road...and Florida's heat. It started awful. It was hot, she was tired, and with every step, she felt as if her legs were tied down with 100 lb. weights. And even worse, the whole point of going for the run was to hear God speak, and all she could hear were her heavy strides hitting the pavement. Her inner athlete, though, refused to quit, and about halfway through her run, she started feeling good. She got into a rhythm, her pace picked up, and she was pumped that even if she didn't get to hear the Lord's voice, she was at least going to get a good workout. And right as her competitive nature was about to kick in, that's when she heard Him: "Do you trust Me enough to walk instead of run?" Part of her wanted to ignore it. Where was that voice when [...]

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