
“It’s how the gospel redeems us for life.” -Tom Nelson


Comes from the Latin root word: vocatio which means, “to be called upon.” Our vocation is quite literally our calling.


Our calling will involve two things: a certain group of people and certain work. This makes the Greatest Commandment and The Great Commission both found in Matthew even more clear.

Love God, love people: PEOPLE
Go and make disciples: WORK


Nothing other than to become more like Jesus. Literally nothing.


The work a believer does. Whatever, wherever, whenever, however.

If we can walk into work everyday (no matter what our job is or where it takes place) knowing in the depths of our soul that these 5 things are true, we’ll probably find more fulfillment in our work, contentment with our job description, and deeper relationships with our people.

For more, join now and watch Somer’s full class: “Vocation: To Be Called Upon” available in the member portal now.