Ditching the “You Owe Me” Mentality
I've read lots of definitions of humility, but John Piper's is one of my favorites. He says, "Humility is the exact opposite of the "You owe me," mentality. Think about the application of this verse with this one mindset shift: "Others don't owe me. I owe them." I owe them grace. I owe them love. I owe them service. I owe them kindness. I owe them gentleness. I owe them respect. Our world has an entitlement problem. Too often, we get wrapped up in the, "What's in it for me?" question instead of asking, "How can I give in abundance what has been given to me by God?" As for selfish ambition, we'll be digging into this soon in the membership portal, but for now, let's just leave it at this: We can recognize selfish ambition in our hearts when feel jealousy over what He's doing through someone else vs. praising Him for Kingdom results. As we memorize this verse this week, use the prayer guide below to specifically lift up how God might ask us to live out these verses in our lives. Prayer Guide: Sunday: Jesus (How would God have me to sacrificially use my talents for His [...]