July 2020

swHw time-savers – you will love these!

By |2020-07-13T22:52:57-04:00July 13th, 2020|Business, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family|

swHw members represent nearly every industry in the workforce. But no matter whether you work full-time or part-time, paid or volunteer, inside corporate America or at your kitchen table, there's one thing you all never have enough of: TIME. So we get that you have to say no to a lot because to do what matters, you've learned you cannot do it all.  This is why every product or service we offer is created with you in mind - a purposed woman who desires growth + connection, but also needs flexibility + convenience for your already full schedule. Here's a few ways we work to save you time:  Biblical Foundation + Practical Application.  Every resource + class moves from Biblical foundation (not merely our opinion!) to practical application (not merely head knowledge). We're committed to His wisdom and our obedience.  Replays + Notes. Our classes are typically offered LIVE to allow for connection but if your work schedule does not allow you to be with us in real time, a replay is archived both in the member group + your member portal, along with a PDF of class notes. Recordings + Resources. Have something specific you'd like to know [...]

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June 2020

Get to Know You Workplace Icebreakers (that Aren’t Overly Awkward or Overused!)

By |2020-06-30T20:51:39-04:00June 30th, 2020|Business, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership|

Icebreakers. We've all been in awkward settings where the question asked is waaaaaaay too personal for professional settings, or a total snooze fest because you feel like you've answered the same question so many times, you could answer for anyone in the circle, not just yourself. Depending on the question, they can either break the ice, or stiffen the silence, amirite?! So whether you need a question for a team retreat or regularly occurring team meeting, here are 12 not-overly used icebreaker questions that have been proven both effective and appropriate in professional settings. General Questions that Can Be Answered in 30 Seconds or Less: 1. Use one word to describe your childhood bedroom.  2. What's something most people dislike that you at least low key enjoy? Personal Questions that Can Be Answered in 30 Seconds or Less: 3. What one-sentence piece of advice would you give to the person who is a decade behind you? 4. What habit do you currently have that most often gets in the way of your effectiveness + what habit do you think benefits you the most in your work? Fun Questions that Can Be Answered in 30 Seconds or Less: 5. If [...]

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A Gospel Centered Conversation About Racial Reconciliation

By |2020-06-26T09:23:02-04:00June 25th, 2020|Classes, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family|

A few weeks ago, we opened a discussion in our membership to listen to + love on our sisters who were hurting after the wrongful death of George Floyd. If you missed it, what flowed out of comments were some of the most gospel-centered and grace-filled responses from the women gathered there. Since then, Somer and I have continued having incredible conversations behind-the-scenes, and three of the members we've talked with the most have agreed to join us for our June mastermind. Extremes are typically the easiest voices to find, so it can be difficult to navigate through all of the information literally found at our fingertips. If that's where you find yourself, you are going to have such clarity after learning from Sonda Williams, Alonda Tanner and Phoebe Montemayor. Every aspect of this conversation will start with, center on and end with Jesus. Because here's the truth: Identifying with Jesus means you will probably love too outlandishly to be accepted into the law-loving right, and you will probably obey God too easily to be accepted into the intellectual left. Christ-followers can't be confined into culture's categories because this is not our home. At a time when world seems [...]

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May 2020

Are you tired or are you thirsty?

By |2020-05-15T14:07:17-04:00May 15th, 2020|Faith, Faith-Based Leadership|

You have probably read the account or heard a sermon about the women at the well... but have you ever caught that John 4:6 points out that Jesus was weary when He ministered to her? So on top of Paul's words in Galatians about not growing weary in doing good, we also get to see our Savior's example for how to put this truth into action. Here's the difference between Jesus and the woman: He was tired, but she was thirsty. Over and over again, she had been drawing from wells that left her dry, but Jesus offered her Living Water so she would never thirst again. And that same nourishment is available for each one of us, and there is no substitute for it. If you couldn't be with us LIVE, Michelle Myers challenged us to examine our weariness a little closer and here's the question she left us asking ourselves... Am I tired from doing good, or do I just need a drink from the Well? Wow. That'll make ya think. Right?! If you've struggled lately with weariness (and you are definitely not alone if you have),you're going to want to carve out a few minutes to [...]

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April 2020

50 Tasks a VA Can Do For You

By |2020-05-08T11:56:23-04:00April 28th, 2020|Branding, Business, Faith-Based Leadership|

Ever considered hiring a virtual assistant (VA) but not sure what you can outsource virtually or how to hire someone credible online? Our friends (and swHw members!) at Rock Solid Assistants are on the blog today, sharing 50 Tasks a VA Can Do For You. And members, they went another step further for you with The 5 Most Important Traits to Find in a Virtual Assistant. It's in the resource library, ready to be downloaded! #notsponsored #wejustlovethem Download the resource! Rock Solid Virtual Assistants are prepared to come alongside you in your daily tasks — whether they be administrative, creative, marketing, social media, or all of the above — to give you the time and freedom to do what you were made to do.  We are happy to take the repetitive tasks, the mundane tasks, and the tasks you simply don’t have time to complete and handle them simply and efficiently. Our assistants are constantly learning, growing, and increasing their skill-sets — a must in the ever-changing and growing world of technology and business. We hire only the absolute best assistants and our hiring process is drastically different and more challenging than average. You can be sure [...]

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