April 2016

Money: Outcome Over Income

By |2020-05-08T15:52:42-04:00April 1st, 2016|Business, Faith, Family|

[vimeo id="159928601"] We'd love to have you join us as we dive into what Jesus had to say about our finances and how we can use them to bring more glory to Him! Become a member today and you'll have access to all our leader lessons, resources, and a community of women seeking to work His way and honor God through their passions and calling.

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March 2016

Introducing our April Theme!

By |2020-05-08T15:52:46-04:00March 30th, 2016|Business, Faith|

Did you know we have more recorded words of Jesus speaking about money than we do about heaven or hell? Seriously. So if understanding money meant that much to Jesus, it has to mean something to us. In the business world, more money is always better. I mean, there's never going to be a business best -seller: How to Make Less Money. But as swHw women, while we realize making money is a critical part of running any business, we must first make sure that Kingdom outcome has priority in our hearts over personal income. It's our goal as a ministry to view money as one of many resources given to us by God to be used for His glory, realizing loving it is what's evil, but that it can still be dangerous to us if we don't keep our motivations and heart in check. This month, we will be diving into what God's word says about our money and how we can use it to further His kingdom and bring Him the ultimate glory! We can't wait to dive into this month's hot topic with you and we're praying that we will all have open hearts and minds as we seek God's wisdom in this area of our lives. Please invite a fellow friend in [...]

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September 2015

Depending on God for Success

By |2020-05-08T15:54:15-04:00September 13th, 2015|Business, Faith|

Confession: I had just started experiencing success in my business when I first ran across Deuteronomy 8. (Go ahead and read it first if you aren't already familiar.) It was right then that I decided I would read that passage every Thursday morning. Thursdays are the day commissions & bonuses are paid in my primary line of work. As the numbers grew each week, it became easy to pat myself on the back...while just months before, James and I were living paycheck to paycheck, praying God would stretch our finances so we could squeak by that week. I was amazed how quickly I allowed pride to creep in. Instead of praising God for His provision, I started praising myself for my accomplishments. Yikes. But I've experienced this passage first hand. It's easier to remember God in struggle because we must depend on Him for every step. Life is so uncertain, we know He must command our destiny because we can't make it happen on our own. But here's the truth: We can't make it through life's highs without God's power and energy anymore than we can face our struggles without Him. Proverbs 30:8-9 reminds us, "Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give [...]

April 2015

Stewardship Income Tracker Tips

By |2020-05-08T15:56:19-04:00April 7th, 2015|Business, Faith|

But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. - Luke 12:48 When your income varies from week to week as an entrepreneur, budgeting can be difficult. When I first became an independent contractor, there were no longer exact amounts that were predetermined for my weekly income. However, that didn't change that James and I wanted to be good stewards with our resources. My husband, who is unbelievably smarter than I am in this area, developed this Excel tracker to help us: Give back to the Lord through tithing Put money back for taxes (quarterly or at the end of the year as an independent contractor) Put money back in personal savings responsibly Pay off student loans Manage multiple income streams Formulas in the Stewardship Income Tracker automatically calculate: Weekly, Monthly & Annual Income (Actual income & averages) 10% tithe to the local church (Malachi 3:10) 20% for taxes (Mark 12:17) -- This is an average & can be edited to caluclate a more accurate percentage for [...]

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November 2014

5 Tips for Increased Productivity for Mompreneurs

By |2020-05-08T15:56:23-04:00November 3rd, 2014|Business|

Working from home, especially with young kids, can be challenging. The flexibility is great, but we have to be careful that flexible doesn't turn to flimsy if we're looking to be productive. Here are my top 5 tips for young moms who work from home. 1. Get up at 5am. I know some of you think I just said a bad word, but for me, working from home does not mean sleeping in. Maybe your kids sleep later than mine, but when you're blessed with an early bird like I am, my alarm goes off early so I can have some [95% of the time!] uninterrupted time before everyone else wakes up. I wake up, work out (before my body even knows what's going on), have my devotion & prayer time, and complete my power hour to-do list. (More on that in Tip 2!) 2. Have a power hour to-do list. I have a few critical tasks, and those all get knocked out before 7am. 5am-6am is me time, but 6am-7am is work time. That way, if everything else goes wrong the rest of the day, I've gotten the non-negotiable tasks done. What is scheduled before 7am? Likely nothing! If you [...]


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