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So far SWHW Team has created 106 blog entries.

March 2024

How to Avoid Drama at the Water Cooler

By |2024-03-26T08:44:25-04:00March 25th, 2024|Uncategorized|

You've been there. We've been there. You're shooting the breeze with your co-workers and then...the conversation takes a turn. Someone's name is mentioned in passing. Some details are thrown in and you think, "I don't think I needed to know that." And, before you know it, the conversation grows into an all-out dramafest, highlighting pieces of gossip that you would've been happier not knowing. Or, maybe you found yourself caught up and throwing in a few things, too. It's nothing new. But how do we, as followers of Jesus, realistically respond differently? In this episode Somer and Michelle address the issues of gossip and drama, particularly at the workplace, emphasizing why it can be a huge concern for everyone, but especially Christian women. They are breaking it all down and giving you some practical and realistic tools to help you avoid it. They talked about: The Spiritual and Moral Effects Of Gossip Cultivating a No Gossip Zone Challenging Gossip: Strategies and Mindsets Leadership's Role in Eliminating Gossip Encouragement to Stand Against Gossip Push play and share it with your people! We're cheering for you!

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Parenting Is Rough

By |2024-03-18T09:44:31-04:00March 18th, 2024|Uncategorized|

"Your kids will make a liar out of you." -said by a mother after a childless friend said what she would/would not let her future children do. If you're a mom - you feel that deeply, right? We're all *excellent* parents...before we become parents. Parenting is an interesting combination of winging decisions + wielding authority. You're not prepared for half of the decisions that you make on behalf of your children. There are moments you find yourself making a decision that you're confident is best for your child, but is maybe not the "norm" or what other parents are doing. As believers, we have the safety net of the Holy Spirit guiding our decisions and filling in the big ol gaps when we're just not sure what to do or how to do it. And, sometimes, that makes you not your child's favorite person. We've all been there. In this week's episode, Somer welcomes SWHW's good friend, Lauren Diggs, to discuss what it's like and what it takes to be confident when your parenting style and boundaries look different than the rest of the worlds. Lauren is a mother of five, ranging in ages 9 to 32, and even [...]

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Maybe You Should Get a Hobby

By |2024-03-11T09:17:42-04:00March 11th, 2024|Uncategorized|

We get it - the *idea* of a hobby sounds great. But the time and attention it takes to *do* said hobby...not so great. But what if a hobby has spiritual significance? What if, through a hobby, you have increased opportunities to introduce others to Jesus? Hobbies don't have to take tons of time and brain power - they're actually meant to make you excited to use your time and brain power on something outside the norm. To fill you up so you can continue to pour out into the required areas of life. There's an intersection of hobbies and spirituality and on this week's podcast - we want to finally talk about defining fun for yourself, letting the Gospel shape your imagination. This is a fun one!

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We All Need Boundaries

By |2024-03-04T10:19:44-05:00March 4th, 2024|Uncategorized|

People need you. You need people. But we all need boundaries. Culture talks about setting boundaries from a place of prioritizing your comfort or your preferences, but we get to look at how we set boundaries based on the example of the boundaries God has given us. God’s commands are essentially just that - a form of boundaries. But those boundaries are rooted in His love because He wants what’s best for us and His boundaries are always designed to keep us close…not to keep something out. As you consider setting boundaries, think about setting them with this question in mind: How can I set boundaries that keep God close and that are motivated by love? Let’s talk through some practical tips for when boundaries are necessary in relationships... 1: pray for discernment ask God to give you clarity on what boundary is necessary and how to approach the conversation with love and grace. 2: practice forgiveness pray for the strength to forgive the person, allowing God's grace to work in your heart, releasing you from bitterness and resentment. 3: slow your anger when boundaries get crossed, it's natural to feel angry. however, avoid escalating the conflict by engaging [...]

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February 2024

You Know What Feels Hard? Prayer.

By |2024-02-26T09:21:51-05:00February 26th, 2024|Uncategorized|

But it's REALLY hard, isn't it? Our attention spans are ever-shrinking and so is our ability to carve out time for what is the most important spiritual discipline we can cling to across any circumstance. An open channel to the God of the universe? An invitation to enter His presence and share every part of our hearts to a God who *wants* to hear it all? And the best part? We can open that dialogue ANYTIME we want! Shewww, those are some lap-running-inducing sentences right there. But...we don't. The internal noise and clutter in the quiet moments makes it hard to formulate thoughts, let alone sentences. This invitation into deeper intimacy with our Savior is too good, too life-altering to bypass it with busyness, lack of focus or overwhelm. In this episode, we want to make sure you know the invitation to sit at His feet still stands. Always stands. Because Jesus always stands in intercession for us. Romans 8:34 says Jesus “is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us". 1 John 2:1 says Jesus is our “advocate with the Father". Hebrews 7:25 says Jesus “always lives to intercede” for us. In today's episode, [...]

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