People need you. You need people. But we all need boundaries.

Culture talks about setting boundaries from a place of prioritizing your comfort or your preferences, but we get to look at how we set boundaries based on the example of the boundaries God has given us.

God’s commands are essentially just that – a form of boundaries. But those boundaries are rooted in His love because He wants what’s best for us and His boundaries are always designed to keep us close…not to keep something out.

As you consider setting boundaries, think about setting them with this question in mind: How can I set boundaries that keep God close and that are motivated by love?

Let’s talk through some practical tips for when boundaries are necessary in relationships…

1: pray for discernment

ask God to give you clarity on what boundary is necessary and how to approach the conversation with love and grace.

2: practice forgiveness

pray for the strength to forgive the person, allowing God’s grace to work in your heart, releasing you from bitterness and resentment.

3: slow your anger

when boundaries get crossed, it’s natural to feel angry. however, avoid escalating the conflict by engaging in actions that fuel your anger, such as gossiping or venting. instead, seek wise counsel from someone who will pray with you and validate you taking steps of faith, not someone who will just perpetuate negativity and justify your feelings.

4: prioritize love

love God, love others: the great commandment that’s much simpler to say than practice. approach the hard conversation with love and empathy, remembering the other person has struggles and pain too.

5: desire reconciliation

let the person know that your intention in setting boundaries is to create space for God to heal and for your relationship to grow.

6: pray God will do the impossible

what seems impossible for you is never impossible for God. He specializes in redemption. no matter how strained a relationship seems, God is more than able to restore it.

Here’s a reminder for your day: how we set personal boundaries follows the example of how God sets boundaries for us: to keep Him close.

Tune in to today’s episode, I Need You, You Need Me And We Need Boundaries as we continue this conversation!

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