Setting a Peaceful Tone in the Home
Last week was a stressful week in our home. Between a new little brother and a new home, Noah (my almost 3-year-old) was acting out in every way possible. My typically happy child was grumpy, disobedient, and irrational. For example...if you have seen him rock out his class at The Little Gym that he loves more than any other activity, he spent last week's class in tears holding onto my leg and never touched the equipment. I would spend nursing sessions praying he wouldn't hurt himself while he disobeyed me. I cried twice in one day (a rare occurance if it happens twice in a month) over his refusal to obey. I prayed for God to give Noah a desire to obey, to help him adjust better, to make our days smoother... And yesterday during my morning prayer time, I realized something. I've heard it a million times before, and I have no idea why it didn't register with me last week. A mother sets the tone for the home. Whatever temperament I have will be echoed in my family members...yes, even in a toddler and a baby. So why had I not looked at my own life and [...]