Perspective Checks in Pride, Pressure & Power
What a powerful reminder for us this week! "Jars of clay" was a metaphor in Biblical times for "human weakness." Paul is gently reminding the Corinthians (and us today), "Why are you focused so much on the container? It's about the contents." This week, as we memorize this verse, let's check our pride, pressure and power. Pride It's not about us & what we bring to the table. We impress God when He looks down and sees Himself in us. Any talent or ability we possess is not from ourselves, but is a gift from God. We can't delusion ourselves to believe anything different. Satan would love nothing more than for us to give ourselves the glory. When we glory-hog our success, God is minimized, and therefore, we limit the Gospel. Let's make sure any time we experience success at any level that we point others the One who deserves the glory. Pressure Do you ever believe Satan's lie that you're too ordinary to make an impact for the Gospel? Or that your circle of influence is so small, that it doesn't matter whether you live boldly for God or not? I'll never forget learning this truth from my [...]