Do You Have a Place to Ask Questions Like These?
Q+A is our favorite class of the month because the questions always come in with zero room for fluff + 100% proof that this community is passionate about living boldly for Christ in every area of life. Here are 7 (of the 12!) questions we covered this month: 1. How do you know when it's appropriate to monetize your calling? Or could you just talk more about calling vs. purpose vs. vocation? As someone business-minded, my mind goes there first when I think of a new idea. 2. Where do you think our churches and young believers are most vulnerable when it comes to post-modernism in the church? 3. I'm an entrepreneur who God called to slow down the running and building of businesses to be all in at home and to homeschool my kids. I want to do what He has asked me to do, but sometimes I feel like I am losing myself in this new role. How do I walk in obedience and not let the noise all around me, my ego, or my personal desires interfere? 4. My husband and I are in ministry and even before that I have always [...]