May 2016

What’s Happening This Month

By |2020-05-08T15:50:41-04:00May 1st, 2016|Business, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership, Family|

Boundaries = Freedom Wait, what? This month we're going to change our way of thinking. Boundaries are God's way of protecting us. We're going to discuss boundaries in our personal lives, marriage, family, social media and more! Boundaries are God's expectations to get His best for our lives. Boundaries do not restrict. Boundaries give freedom. We can't wait to pursue this together! We can't wait to dive into this month's hot topic with you and we're praying that we will all have open hearts and minds as we seek God's wisdom in this area of our lives. Please invite a fellow friend in leadership to join you as a member this month. We are trusting God to move in powerful ways as we learn to trust His provision, seek His kingdom first, and follow Him joyfully! Browse below to see the highlights of what's happening this month inside swHw! We would love to have you join us as a member for this important study & to connect with the amazing women in our community. [vimeo id="164291503"]

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April 2016

What’s Your Goal?

By |2020-05-08T15:50:46-04:00April 28th, 2016|Business, Faith-Based Leadership|

It's not a new concept in teaching on comparison to remember social media is a highlight reel. But as with everything, it's the heart behind that highlight reel, that only God searches and knows, that matters. Are we posting the highlight reel, desiring to inspire, staying focused of our overall mission of what is ultimately true, not our current circumstance? Or are we striving to impress? To gain that instant satisfaction of a like or double tap because we're starving for the approval we're not disciplined enough to wait on from the Lord? God, stir our desire to inspire people toward You, and help us to see the destructive pattern of what happens to us and others when we seek to impress this world.

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Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

By |2020-05-08T15:50:55-04:00April 21st, 2016|Business, Faith, Faith-Based Leadership|

Take your eyes off of those around you and refocus them on the only One we should be striving to be exactly alike. Jealousy and comparison can drag you down quicker than most anything else. Guard your heart and do whatever it takes to be more like Jesus every single day!

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March 2016

Seeking God’s Glory Over Glamour

By |2020-05-08T15:52:52-04:00March 20th, 2016|Faith, Faith-Based Leadership|

This morning, I [Michelle] was reading through Jesus' triumphant entry in Mark 11. Jesus entered into Jerusalem, the people shouting, "Hosanna!" It didn't stop with their exclamation of praise. They also laid their cloaks down & put palm branches down in His path. They recognized Him as God's Son, as the promised One from the line of David. No doubt, this was a moment of earthly glory. A glamorous moment in the life of Jesus. I mean, it was pretty much modern-day red carpet. Had this happened in 2016, everyone would have been snapping photos, begging for selfies, just aiming to get a glimpse of Jesus so they could tell their friends, "I was there! I saw him!" That was Sunday. Tuesday, the plot to kill Jesus began (Mark 14:1-2). By Thursday evening, he was publicly betrayed by one of his twelve most trusted followers. He was arrested. He was put on multiple trials, shuffled between the high priest, the Sanhedrin, Herod and Pilate. He was scourged and beaten. One of his inner circle, Peter, denied Him three times. The people rioted for His crucifixion, even released one of the day's most dangerous criminals for the exchange of Jesus' [...]

February 2016

What Are We Missing When We Criticize Other Christians?

By |2020-05-08T15:52:58-04:00February 29th, 2016|Faith, Faith-Based Leadership|

I hopped on social media Saturday morning (thankfully, after a strong cup of coffee and powerful devotional time with the Lord), and I was shocked to see several different posts, shaming Candace Cameron Bure, for her new show, Fuller House. It wasn’t just about her character’s choices on the show. Or about her wardrobe. Or about her choice to work in a worldly industry. But all over my Facebook newsfeed, believers were picking those actions apart and somehow not just speaking poorly of her behavior, but had crossed over to attacking her salvation, claiming someone who had made her “mistakes” couldn’t possibly be a Christian. Couple these posts with mud-slinging of every political candidate running for President, and I just decided to delete Facebook from my phone for the day. I tried to walk away. I tried to put it out of my mind. But the more I did, the more I found myself praying for Candace and the more God began speaking to my heart. Here are the five truths He kept bouncing around in my head: If it’s not up to us to decide, it’s not up for us to debate. “For there is one God, and [...]


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