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So far SWHW Team has created 106 blog entries.

April 2024

Is It a Me-Thing or a God-Thing?

By |2024-04-29T10:55:38-04:00April 29th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Last week on the SWHW Podcast, we worked through what it sounds like to quit something based on your feelings more than on God's nudge. We talked about quitting because... You're bored. You feel discontent. Everything feels hard. "I can do better than them." Avoiding hurt. All of those are you-centered reasons. But, we knew we couldn't leave the conversation there. We're having too many conversations with women trying to navigate if they should go or stay with something to not get into the second part of this conversation. So, this time, Michelle and Somer work through the signs and symptoms they've often experiences when it was the Lord leading them toward quitting, rather than they're own wants or desires. We cover: A Sign of Divine Stirring The Power of Prayer + Community Emotional Signals The Gift of Restlessness Seeking Clarity and Direction This episode puts the !!! on the entire conversation. We hope it leaves you with clear indicators that help you to identify, or at least intentionally listen, for the voice of God. Push play and let us know what you think!

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Is It Time To Go?

By |2024-04-22T12:39:11-04:00April 22nd, 2024|Uncategorized|

Where do you fall on the spectrum: Are you more likely to stay too long or cut ties and make a run for it too soon? We all fall somewhere between the two and deciding if it's time to go or if you should stay is a merry-go-round we all want off. Over the next two weeks, Michelle & Somer will filter through the most common feelings associated with a desire to quit - and how do we know what's us vs what's from God? That's really what it comes down to, right? Is this a me-thing or a God-thing? You're not the first to ask. Using hindsight to share what led to some of their past decisions to quit, they'll hopefully equip you for future decisions. Go ahead and push play on How To Know When It’s Time To Quit: Part One! (And, hey, this topic was picked by our Patreon Community! Want to help shape future SWHW episodes? Join our Patreon and let's go!)

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Lessons Learned in the Marketplace

By |2024-04-15T12:52:36-04:00April 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|

As ambitious women building lives around what matters most - hindsight becomes invaluable. To find women ahead of us who can turn around and say, "This is what I learned - let me share it with you so you're a *little* more equipped than I was" - that's the dream. Well, as Hall & Oates have said for years, "You make my dreams come true." (Is that too old of a reference? Maybe. But that song needs to go on your summer playlist PRONTO.) Michelle and Somer are making our hindsight dreams come true today as they look back at a combined 30+ years of experience in the workplace between the two of them. Coming from a variety of industries, including banking, retail, scientific research (um, WHAT?), fitness, network marketing, and pharmaceutical sales - they're sharing how each of their assignments have shaped them and prepared them for their current roles in various ministries. And guess what? Your current assignment is probably doing the same thing. Some of the things they talk about: Mentorship Doesn't Require a Formal Invitation The Power of Little Things in Making a Big Impact The Power of Contentment Leadership Insights: The Value of Collective [...]

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A *New Take on Social Media

By |2024-04-08T09:54:54-04:00April 8th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Some of us use social media for business. Some of us use social media for entertainment. Some of us use social media for connection. Some of us use social media...because it's there and we no longer know what to do with our hands or eyes when we stand in a line. Because She Works His Way is an online community - we have a love/hate relationship with social media. We love how it allows us to build relationships with women we never would've known otherwise...we hate how it has the power to turn our thoughts and posture away from what matters most. Somer and Michelle are bringing a fresh conversation with their nuanced approach to a spiritually healthy relationship with your internet friends and follows. Whether you're a content consumer, a content creator, or something in between, we know this is a conversation worth having - for all of us. Let's be clear: This isn't a conversation to make us all feel bad about how we do or don't use these platforms. Instead, it's stepping into a new approach to all of the platforms. In Should I Stay, Should I Go, Or Should I Adjust: Social Media And Your [...]

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I Need a Break!

By |2024-04-01T09:44:49-04:00April 1st, 2024|Uncategorized|

It's complicated, isn't it? When this drive to do and be and prove rubs up against what Jesus invites us into in Matthew 30:28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” It's easy to allow those verses to become a sentiment instead of a practice. The yoke this world offers us steers us toward burn-out, exhaustion and, ultimately, emptiness. But this yoke Jesus graciously offers us - daily - is one of hope. One of steadiness and full of reminders that all of our striving will only leave us tired - not fulfilled. We know most of us here are driven, ambitious women. So, it only seems right to spend a few episodes every year talking about rest and the value of pushing our pride aside to say, "I need a break." In this episode, Somer talks to our friend, Linda Lotich from Seedtime. Linda shares a little of her own story, which has led [...]

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