Holidays are here!

We’ve been having these conversations with you long enough to know that some of you already have your Christmas tree up, others of you think it’s basically blasphemy to disrespect Thanksgiving like that, and the rest of you wish you could hit a fast-forward button to January.

So in honor of our first holiday episode that goes live today on our best + worst Thanksgiving stories (get excited!), we’re handing out permission slips today that we hope will lower any of your added stress and pressure over these next two months. Sounds good?

Take the one(s) you need!

  1. Permission Slip to Not Be Pinterest-Worthy: You heard it here: Meals don’t have to be flawless and gifts don’t have to be extravagant. Laughter + shared moments make memories — not perfection.
  2. Permission Slip to Keep It Simple: Whether it’s reducing the number of dishes for the feast or only saying yes to a few extras on the calendar + in the budget, simplifying allows room for greater intentionality + enjoyment.
  3. Permission Slip to Let Go of Expectations: Release yourself from the pressure of meeting everyone’s expectations, including your own. If the majority of your life is planned and structured, genuine + unscripted might be just what your soul (and your family rhythm!) needs.
  4. Permission Slip to Skip the Busyness: You don’t have to accept every invitation, participate in every activity, or attend every event. Skipping the busyness is not missing out; it allows for peace + rest so you have the space to actually enjoy every moment.
  5. Permission Slip to Do What Matters: If the stress and pressure of the season overshadow the joy, full permission for your calendar to reflect your values. It is possible to love people deeply without needing to please everyone. Focus on God, and let Him fill you with gratitude for what He has done. (Promise it’s a much better strategy for contentment!)

We love you + hope you enjoy us reliving our Thanksgiving wows and woes! Listen here.

Wanna Scroll Less? Us, too.

We don’t want to rely on social media to get you the encouragement we provide every week. We’re throwing it back to email instead. Subscribe here so we can continue equipping each other to build a life around what matters most!