We did something a little different on the podcast this week, Erica.

Somer + Michelle took a confidence quiz in real-time — and whew, it opened up a raw, honest dialogue.

Of course, we want you to listen, but what we really hope is that you’ll take this as our invitation to answer these questions honestly yourself. And if you really want it to be impactful, listen to this one with someone you trust and share your answers with one another. We were low-key shocked by the vulnerability generated from a Buzzfeed quiz. (You read that right!)

Here’s the truth: Finding genuine confidence isn’t just about acknowledging your strengths but also understanding your vulnerabilities. We all have insecurities, moments of self-doubt, and areas where we long for validation. You’re not alone in these feelings. And while we’ll never encourage you to stay there, there’s zero shame in admitting where you’re weak.

So hit play with an open heart. Ask God to help you recognize the areas where you feel confident and where you feel exposed. He’s big enough to carry you through both.

We hope this episode speaks to your heart as much as it did to ours.

Listen here.

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