Part 2 of the conversation we started last week is live on the podcast, and this time, we’re diving into the topic of when God calls you to pursue big things.

Let’s get straight to it: Feeling like God is calling you to something big doesn’t automatically mean you’re prideful any more than feeling called to something small makes you humble. Pride can be an issue and humility is needed, whether what God is calling us to is big or small.

But here’s the deal: if you are naturally ambitious, ambition is an integral part of how God designed you, and downplaying His handiwork is not an act of humility.

Before you listen to the conversation, let me encourage you with three reminders:

1. The “big” part may require waiting, but the work does not.

Remember what Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful (aka — the work is ready!) but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field (Matthew 9:37-38).

If you’re ready to join God’s mission, there is work to be done + not enough willing to do it. So jump into the work God is doing around you — because He is already working there! — and let your ambition carry over into your prayers for more workers.

2. Let love for God + others fuel your ambition.

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37), so loving God and loving others must be the driving force behind the big things we pursue.

When love for God is your motivation, your work becomes worship, and every step you take towards your goals is an offering to Him. Out of the overflow of our love for Him, we then love others by using our gifts as God intended — to serve His children + steward His grace (1 Peter 4:10).

3. Pursue God Himself — not just the assignment.

When we truly pursue God Himself alongside what He’s called us to do, even the biggest/scariest/beyond our imagination earthly assignment pales in importance and in glory with God.

To get practical, I’ve been really challenged lately how so many times in Scripture, we’re not just told what to do, but how to do it. Think about phrases like “delight in God’s Word” and “rejoice in the Lord” — it portrays so much more than simply going through the motions.

Don’t just read His Word — delight in His Word.
Don’t just endure challenges — choose joy in every situation.
Don’t recite prayers mechanically—communicate with God from the depths of your soul.

Pursuing big things requires humble boldness — which my pastor defines as the power of God and the posture of His people. So that’s what I’m praying over each of us this week — that we’ll boldly walk in the power of God, pursuing humility among His people.

As you listen, ask God to search your heart for real answers to these questions:

  1. Is the big thing aligned with God’s purpose and glory?
  2. Am I loving God and others well as I pursue the big thing?
  3. Is the big thing drawing me closer to God or am I drifting away?

Shoot me a DM at @michellelmyers after you listen with your top takeaway + how I can pray for you. It would truly make my day to hear from you!