Our goal for every resource + training we offer aims to move from a Biblical foundation to practical application. [ICYMI, we shared the practical side of the 3-steps of the 3-Step Planner already here] – so now, we wanna jump behind-the-scenes and show you the real reason we’re confident this 3-Step System will work for you: each step is grounded in godly wisdom.

You may have heard us say it before: instead of always trying to do something or say something new, our aim is to remind you of what God has already said — because what God has already said is all we really need to know.

let’s dig in:

Brain Dump —> Surrender it all.

Anxiety and overwhelm go hand-in-hand. So the practical exercise of a brain dump allows you the opportunity to surrender everything rattling around inside your head to Jesus. Don’t stop at simply writing it down – as you write it down, give it to God.

Then, watch what He can do.

Categorize —> Confirmation of your calling.

As humans, we have limits. In Christ, we can do all things, but that does not mean we can do everything. By categorizing your brain dump, you will not only honor your human limits but your increased focus will help you leverage your life for maximum impact for the gospel.

Schedule It —> Ministry in action.

As believers, we’re all called to love God and one another (Matthew 22:34-40) and to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). So your daily schedule also ends up being your accountability.

After all, life is not as much about getting things done, but doing what matters.

We have a few dozen of the 2021 6-month edition left — and we’d love for one of them to be yours!

*This 6-month edition planner is dated and covers July 2021 – December 2021.