What You Need for Innovation (Hint: It’s not creativity!)
You know you need to plan Q4, but part of you is convinced you simply don’t have the brain power for it. After six months of virtual school, phases, and pivoting, how will you find the creativity to innovate for your organization and customers?
Just one thing: effective innovation is so. much. more. about meeting needs than creativity.

If you want to innovate in such a way that serves your customer base and target audience, your best idea will not come merely from trying to get in the creative zone. You just need ears and empathy.
If you want to innovate in Q4, this is all you need to do:
1) What do they need? Listen.
2) Why do they need it? Care.
3) How can you help? Serve.
It’s really that simple.
Members, if you missed our Q4 planning workshop in class with Michelle Myers on Wednesday, the recording is up! Block off one hour, grab your business tracker or favorite tool to take notes, and plan the rest of 2020 with us!
Not a member yet? Join our community today! This class recording (and so much more!) is there for you. If you’re a woman aiming to work for the glory of God and the good of others, you belong here.