You can run from what God asks you to do, but you can’t run from God.
Jonah was trying to “flee from the Lord’s presence” (Jonah 1:3), but you cannot run away from God. You can run away from what God asks you to do, but you can’t run away from God Himself. He is everywhere, and He knows everything.
God’s glory always wins; your choices determine if you get to be a part of it.
When the storm stopped after the men threw Jonah overboard, they were in awe of God and worshiped Him. Even though Jonah chose disobedience, God was still able to reveal His power and glory to those who did not know Him. Even though Jonah disobeyed, people still came to know the Lord because God’s glory always wins.
God’s punishment is about repentance + restoration – not revenge.
God was not after revenge on Nineveh for their evil acts. He wanted the people of Nineveh to turn from their wicked ways and turn back to Him. Once they did, He forgave them and gave them a second chance – just like He did for Jonah. If you seek God honestly, even after you make a big mistake, He is eager to be compassionate and show you His mercy.
Bonus Tip: In 1:1 settings, talk about a time when they’ve been given a punishment and how even as their parent, punishment is never meant for revenge, but for restoration. Pray for God to help you both see even their earthly punishments at home as a way of correction more than a consequence.
Want to go through the whole book of Jonah as a family for more gospel-centered conversation starters? Our 2nd family discipleship resource is OUT!
In just four lessons, the whole family will benefit from a deep dive into this Old Testament story that has a lot more depth beyond a rebel who ended up getting swallowed by a fish.
P.S. Our goal as a ministry is to equip you in your work — and that includes your career and your home. Home requires effort too. Just as many of our resources aim toward having gospel-centered conversations in your career, we’re praying this study has the same effect in your home.