We are less than a month from our first conference, and we still have some seats available! So if you’ve come up with some objection as to why you can’t attend, we’d love to answer the most popular hesitations…and offer you some encouragement that might help make your decision to come spend October 6-7 with us at Narrow:

I don’t know anyone else coming…

That’s exactly why you should come! One of the hardest parts of being a Christian woman in business is how isolated we so often feel. You may come alone, but you will NOT leave alone! You’ll leave resourced, encouraged, and with an entourage of prayer warriors in your corner! (Just think, you’re going to be in a room full of YOU’s!)

I don’t think I can afford a ticket…

Have you prayed about it? As business women, we often try to make decisions on our own. We never want anyone to make an unwise decision, but we also know that this conference will position you for growth – both spiritually and professionally. So we’re not telling you to ignore your bank account. We’re just asking you to pray about it!

I’m at the beginning of my business. I don’t know if I’ll fit in…

That’s the beauty of being a she works HIS way woman. It has nothing to do with the size of your business, and it has everything to do with your level of passion, commitment and priority. If God is first, family is second, and your business is third, we assure you — you’ll fit in!

There’s no way my husband would go for me being gone for an entire weekend…

Have you asked him, or are you assuming? Turns out, there are a lot of husbands who would jump at the chance for some more intentional time with their kids AND simultaneously do a grandiose gesture of loving on YOU with a weekend away with your tribe. So have the conversation. His answer might surprise you!

I am so bad with directions + logistics. I’d never get where I’m supposed to be!

Awesome news! We’ve got lodging available at the conference center! So once you arrive on site, you’re good to go! If you can identify colored balloons, we can get you back and forth between your room + sessions, no problem!

I never leave my kids… what will I do without them?!

Some of my fondest memories include both of my parents…but I also have some really special one-on-one memories too. Give Dad (or maybe Grandma + Grandpa, aunt + uncle, etc.) a chance! And guess what? You’re not a bad mom for investing in yourself for a weekend + coming home refreshed. The time alone with Jesus to worship + learn might be just what you need to be your best at work…and at home.

Here are a few quick links to help you navigate the event site:

Got more questions? We’ve got answers! Just comment below and we’ll happily answer any question you’ve got about Narrow – or swHw in general!

We love you, and we are praying for you!