It can be tough to be in business in a world where we are constantly being sold. We have more eyes on our businesses than ever before but for many of us,  this hasn’t translated to anything that resembles profit. Why? People are numb to being sold. If there are humans present, somebody will see it as an opportunity to pounce. Don’t be that someone.

Think about social media right now as opposed to 5-7 years ago. It quickly went from keeping up with family and cute kitten videos to every third post in your newsfeed being a commercial for something.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing though, she works His way uses Facebook and Instagram as the #1 source of our marketing. Same goes for the gym my husband and I own. But what good does all of the “selling” do if it only brings eyes, but no transactions? That’s what I want to help you with today!

First, we need to get away from the idea that a social media “like” is a win. That’s like saying a person walking into a restaurant and giving the chef a high five because the menu LOOKS good, but never tasting or purchasing a meal is a win. It’s definitely not. Yes, it is important to get “eyes’ on your business but that is not what this blog is about. This blog will tell you what to do with the eyes you already have.

Here are 3 Ways to win over your online prospects…

1. Know your prospect!

When working up a marketing strategy to sell your product, whatever it may be, you have to think like your prospect. Making the prospect see how and why they need what you have is so much easier when you know exactly who you’re talking to. Do some research, ask questions, send a survey to your email list and then create your advertising based on that information.

2. In between selling your prospects, give them no-strings-attached value for free.

This is a strategy for online businesses, as well as brick and mortar businesses. If you’re growing an online business you have to make sure that 8 out of 10 of your posts are giving value away for free. (How do you know what’s valuable to your prospects? See question #1 again.) This way of doing things will have your prospects checking in with you, rather than you just hoping the newest Facebook or Instagram algorithm will put you in prime real estate for your prospects to see you.

For brick and mortar businesses, you have to engage the client with something that is free between purchases. If you are a woman’s boutique, you are going to make sure that you email out the hottest trends for fall and then share the items that you carry that are from that list. If you are a Pediatrician, offer a free car seat check day.

3. Create a community that people want to be apart of!

Make sure that there are opportunities in your business that create a sense of community for your prospects. It can be face to face events or online events, but it has to be exclusively for your prospects and it has to create a buzz that makes people want in. For example, in our gym I am hosting a Meal Planning Workshop for mommas who need help planning healthy dinners. We also have a private members-only Facebook page as well. Both places were created with the sole purpose of community, a sense of “I belong here,” and a sense of “if I leave, I will be missed.” People aren’t looking to be treated like a consumer, they’re looking to be treated like a friend.

Somer Phoebus
Executive Director & Catalyst Queen