As we memorize this week’s verse, I thought it would be appropriate to create a checklist for examining if we are living this verse out. This is a verse that not only requires meditation & memorization, but mobilization. 

Below, don’t forget “my job, “work” and “business” can refer to positions we are paid to do, or roles within our family. It doesn’t have to come with a paycheck to be work! (And every mom said “Amen!”)

  • Do I do my job as if Jesus were my supervisor?
  • Do I treat those who work with me and for me with respect?
  • Can I be trusted to do my best even if no one is around?
  • Do I work with enthusiasm?
  • Do I aim to please God above anyone else?
  • Does the way I work bring honor to the Lord?
  • Is my work ethic consistent, no matter how glamorous or how tedious the task?
  • Does my work ethic create curiosity in others to know my motivation?

For some extra encouragement, keep reading the following verse: “knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free” (Ephesians 6:8).

No matter how known or unknown your work is, no work done for God goes unnoticed or forgotten by Him. Never forget that. 

God, thank you for giving us motivation deeper than simply the task at hand. In everything we do, we have an opportunity to glorify You and bring glory to Your name. Remind us of this privilege often. Above simply pleasing others, God, help us to love them. And above simply loving You with our words, help us to please You with our actions. Help our work to show others we whole-heartedly belong to You. We love you! Amen.

P.S. Get excited, members! Inside the membership portal this week, we are going to be digging in on People Pleasing vs. People Loving (Monday) and Handling Critiques & Critics (Wednesday). If you’re interested in becoming a member, you can view membership details here. We would love to have you!