Seeking God’s Glory Over Glamour
This morning, I [Michelle] was reading through Jesus' triumphant entry in Mark 11. Jesus entered into Jerusalem, the people shouting, "Hosanna!" It didn't stop with their exclamation of praise. They also laid their cloaks down & put palm branches down in His path. They recognized Him as God's Son, as the promised One from the line of David. No doubt, this was a moment of earthly glory. A glamorous moment in the life of Jesus. I mean, it was pretty much modern-day red carpet. Had this happened in 2016, everyone would have been snapping photos, begging for selfies, just aiming to get a glimpse of Jesus so they could tell their friends, "I was there! I saw him!" That was Sunday. Tuesday, the plot to kill Jesus began (Mark 14:1-2). By Thursday evening, he was publicly betrayed by one of his twelve most trusted followers. He was arrested. He was put on multiple trials, shuffled between the high priest, the Sanhedrin, Herod and Pilate. He was scourged and beaten. One of his inner circle, Peter, denied Him three times. The people rioted for His crucifixion, even released one of the day's most dangerous criminals for the exchange of Jesus' [...]