How can the same generation that is more connected than any previous generation also experience more loneliness?

We’re certainly not the first to make this observation. You’ve probably said something similar at some point.

But the real question is: why does this observation not prompt us to action?

It’s a big problem, and it’s worth solving — especially as believers.

Have you ever thought about how God’s Word tells us that love and unity are the two traits that will both identify us as His disciples (John 13:34-35) and identify Jesus as God’s Son (John 17:23)?

Love and unity are the evangelism strategy God has given us to reach a lost world – to accomplish the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). And here’s what love and unity have in common: neither of them can be done by one person alone. We need one another to pull this off.

So in a world that is becoming increasingly autonomous and increasingly lonely, why are we as Christians not taking God’s command for gospel community more seriously?

Imagine what would happen if the church became the place people who were lonely could come and feel assured they were entering a place where they would be known and loved.

Imagine if when studies came out about loneliness, the numbers reported by those who believe in Christ were drastically different from those who did not.

But why stop there? Why stop at imagination when what we just pictured is also a picture of obedience to God’s plan?

We need to talk about it, but we also need to do something about it. Because being connected but isolated affects the spread of the gospel. In this week’s workshop, Michelle is going to walk us through our reach in a fresh way (visual learners, get excited!) to personalize our priorities concerning living in gospel community.

We can’t wait to be with you – see you there!

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