You want deeper Bible study and less chit chat. I get that.

But you want community + connection so you need time for chit chat. I get that.

You don’t want too much fun. After all, you’re an introvert. I get that.

But fun is what disarms you as the extrovert, so you would really prefer it. I get that.

You want a Bible teacher that doesn’t talk for too long or intimidate you. I get that.

But you want a Bible teacher that always knows more than you and has all the right answers. I get that.

You want an atmosphere that welcomes your thoughts + opinions + deep feels. I get that.

But you want someone to control the over-sharer because she’s too much for you. I get that.

You want conversation. I get that.

But it annoys you when we get off topic. I get that.

You want to learn. I get that.

But you don’t want to feel like anyone is smarter than you. I get that.

You want accountability. I get that.

But it better not be judgment. I get that.

Listen, I get all of it. Truly.

But as I’ve talked to A LOT of ministry leaders, I need you to know, they’re exhausted trying to make us happy…

…and they’re also convicted because that’s not what they’re called to do.

Ministries exist to make us more like Jesus and they will operate however JESUS sees fit. So it probably won’t look exactly the way you or I think it should.

So, here’s my challenge for us to check ourselves. Use these 5 true/false statements to evaluate your heart. (FYI – true is not the answer you want)


1. I speak negatively about my church, a ministry in my church, and/or its leadership.

2. I often think I could do it/teach it/run it better.

3. I come when I “feel” like it.

4. I come so people know I came.

5. I think I’m too smart for the group (pride) or I’m intimidated because I’m not smart enough (still pride).

The church isn’t FOR us. The church IS us. Don’t get it twisted, gals.