There are two main misconceptions about doubt in the Christian world:

#1: If you have doubt, you don’t have faith.

Mark 9:24 is probably one of the most honest verses in all of the Bible. A father brings his son to Jesus who has been possessed by an evil spirit and essentially says to Him, “If you can do anything, please help us!” Jesus replies by telling him that all things are possible for those who believe.

Mark 9:24 contains the father’s response to Jesus:

“I do believe; help my unbelief!”

Have you ever felt that way — where you believe but you need Jesus to help your unbelief? I know I have. Because God’s ways are higher than ours, we will absolutely encounter moments and issues we don’t fully understand. And so, we will also have moments of doubt.

But something I love that my pastor challenges us with often:

The more you see God move. The more you witness Him keep His promises – both in His Word and to you personally. The more you feel His peace and His presence when every inch of your flesh “knows” you should be freaking out. The more the Holy Spirit works in you. The more you realize how infinitely far God’s grace extends.

It becomes easier to doubt your doubt than it does to stay in your doubt.

#2: If you doubt God, you should hide it.

Exactly the opposite. Bring your doubt to God. He is more than big enough to handle your doubts. The key is being an honest doubter. An honest doubter is one who says, “God, I am open for You to reveal this to me. Even if I don’t get a clear answer or get the answer that I like or I want, I’m bringing my doubts to You because I believe You’re big enough to handle them.”

Because our inbox continues to get flooded with questions about how to answer questions you’re getting in the gospel conversations you’re having both with those who don’t know Christ and those you’re discipling, we brought in Bruce Frank of Biltmore Church (Michelle’s pastor) for this week’s online member meetup. He shared his testimony of accepting Christ after years of doubting himself as well as equipped us to both lovingly and truthfully answer questions like:

  • What do Christians believe, and what does that have to do with me?
  • Isn’t it narrow-minded and intolerant to believe that Jesus is the only way to God? What about all the other religions?
  • If God is so good, why is there so much evil in the world? And why do bad things happen to good people?
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