You’ve probably heard 1 Corinthians 13 read at nearly every wedding you’ve ever attended… and while its words on love are definitely worth applying to your marriage, it was actually written to remind us how we are supposed to use our God-given gifts. Michelle walks us through this practically in the upcoming SWHW book (and members got to hear it this week in class too!), but here’s a prayer you can pray now:

A Prayer to Level Up Skill with Love

Father, You are the giver of every skill I have.
Forgive me when I’ve allowed Your gift
To inflate my own ego or importance
Or immaturely go unused as if Your gifts were solely for my benefit.

Help me desire You, God, not Your gifts.
And make me grateful for the gifts You’ve given to others.
Rather than the measurements the world uses,
Help me to measure my gifts with the love that goes with them.

Lord, make me patient.

I trust Your timing.
When I’m tempted to rush Your timing,
Help me rush into Your presence.

Lord, make me kind.

Help me see others for who You made them to be,
Not what they do.
Give me opportunities to show Your kindness to them,
Even when it’s not deserved.

Lord, free me from envy.

Help me confront my sin more than I seek my own comfort.
Show me ways to celebrate those the world say is my competition,
And the courage to serve them however I can.

Lord, make me teachable. 

Give me the humility to admit when I’m wrong.
Do not let me fall for flattery,
Or become distracted by boasting.

Lord, keep my actions far from dishonor. 

Do not let gossip or hierarchies have a grip on me,
But put unity and inclusion constantly on my heart.
Give me opportunities to encourage and honor others.

Lord, help me separate self from ambition. 

Help me create Kingdom wins where Christ is not known.
Determine my direction where there is potential for the gospel,
Forgetting potential for self.

Lord, help me overlook most offenses, 

So I have the maximum time to pursue what matters.
Help me to forgive others,
To the same measure I have been forgiven.[1]

Lord, help me stop keeping score.

Help me accept blame before I place blame.
When others around me make mistakes,
Help me detour shame from holding them back
by lovingly reaffirming who God made them to be.
Lord, help me rejoice in truth,
Quit quitting over lesser things,
And hold fast to You, the Love that never fails.

[1] Matthew 6:14-15

— excerpt from the upcoming book: She Works His Way: How To Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World by Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus. Pre-order your copy here.