Is planning even possible right now?
This question hasn’t just come across my desk…it has crossed my own mind several times throughout the last year.
Double the good news: I’m right there with you, and yes, planning is still possible. We just have to continuously purify our motives + refuse to lose sight of the mission. Because the truth is: we often over-complicate forward progress.
Whether you come to the workshop on Wednesday or not: the simplest path forward is found through listening and meeting the needs of others. So if “planning” stresses you out, I wonder if maybe you’ve simply fallen into the habit of doing a lot of talking and putting your own desires in front of the needs of others. (It’s easy to do!)

In a letter to the church at Corinth, Paul emphasized his role in the work God had called him and a ministry partner to do like this: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” – 1 Corinthians 3:6
Have you been so busy trying to make it grow… that you’ve lost focus on the “planting” and “watering” associated with your job? And slowly, as your motives and actions shift, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to show up?
Ministry – whether you find yourselves in traditional ministry or marketplace ministry – is hard, but it’s not joy-less. And if the hard of the world has interrupted your joy, it’s time to fight for the right things to put the joy back in what God has called you to do.
I’d love to guide you through the right questions to plan Q2 — 100% pressure off.
Based on a few questions that came in over the weekend, I made this quick video, emphasizing those I believe will benefit most from Wednesday’s workshop. Watch this if you find yourself feeling alone, distracted, bored/burned out or discouraged/discontent.
You’ve got three different ways to watch the workshop: become a SWHW member, pay the drop-in rate of $20 to access the workshop (live and recorded!), or buy a business tracker, and we’ll throw in your workshop seat for free.
See you Wednesday!
reading this after the workshop ends? Join SWHW – the workshop is archived inside (along with more training like it!)