When we begin brainstorming how to set godly goals, the typical list of life areas we desire to cover goes something like this:

And before we even start getting specific, we’ve made the most common mistake already…
…because we trick ourselves into believing we are setting godly goals simply by making sure our faith is included.
Here’s the problem: Faith was never meant to merely be an addition to our lives. Faith should be our foundation. Instead of faith being simply another line item on our list, it should be the underlying motivation for every category that we deem to be goal-worthy.
Let’s take finances as an example. Here are the most common financial goals:

And while there’s certainly nothing wrong or evil about anything on the above list, if we attempt to summarize them, every goal listed boils down to wants and wealth.
To be clear: Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you’re automatically evil if you accumulate money and stuff. But over and over again, Scripture does warn of the danger in pursuing money and stuff.
It also offers more direction than merely advice to avoid the gray areas. God’s Word guides us to use our finances to cover needs and challenges us toward generosity. (Look at Acts 20:34 to see Paul reference tent-making as his means for providing for his needs + the needs of those traveling with him).
Real Talk: If you were to write down your financial goals, do they lean more toward wants + wealth OR needs + generosity?
Because that change is what makes our goals godly or not: not merely making sure God makes the list, but allowing God’s truth to impact every single goal we pursue.
Want to break down goal-setting like this in each of the categories we listed above? [Career, Family, Health, Personal Development, Contribution, Finances, Faith] That’s exactly what Michelle Myers is going to do in Wednesday’s workshop:

If you’re already a she works HIS way member, you’re automatically registered, and we’ll see you there! But if you’re not a member and you’d like to come, buy your workshop seat here. [If you cannot attend LIVE, a recording will be emailed to you!]
Catching this blog too late to sign up? The workshop is archived inside membership. Join she works HIS way here.