A few weeks ago, we opened a discussion in our membership to listen to + love on our sisters who were hurting after the wrongful death of George Floyd. If you missed it, what flowed out of comments were some of the most gospel-centered and grace-filled responses from the women gathered there.
Since then, Somer and I have continued having incredible conversations behind-the-scenes, and three of the members we’ve talked with the most have agreed to join us for our June mastermind.
Extremes are typically the easiest voices to find, so it can be difficult to navigate through all of the information literally found at our fingertips. If that’s where you find yourself, you are going to have such clarity after learning from Sonda Williams, Alonda Tanner and Phoebe Montemayor. Every aspect of this conversation will start with, center on and end with Jesus.
Because here’s the truth: Identifying with Jesus means you will probably love too outlandishly to be accepted into the law-loving right, and you will probably obey God too easily to be accepted into the intellectual left. Christ-followers can’t be confined into culture’s categories because this is not our home.
At a time when world seems louder than ever, this month’s mastermind managed to both quiet our hearts and quicken our feet. When Christ is at the center, even hard conversations increase unity. And that’s what this conversation was: raw, real, vulnerable and unifying.
We have a real enemy who is relentless in his pursuit to divide us and destroy us — but we must fight against him, and for each other as we live in response to the gospel. So that’s what we kept coming back to: the gospel, our identity in Christ, and His command to love one another as He has loved us.
Here’s just a snippet of the wisdom shared from Sonda, Alonda + Phoebe: