Alright, I know it’s October, and everyone usually waits until January to talk goal-setting…
But here’s the deal: You know the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day basically moves at warp speed… so why wouldn’t you start thinking about your 2020 goals before the craziness hits?
We’ve put together a full swHw Goal Setting Guide just for you, and it’s available NOW! (Members, you’ll find it inside the member portal!)
Our guide contains four sections for you:
(We recommend reviewing all four and not skipping steps – trust the process!)
Want a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside the guide? You got it!

Here are eight questions you should ask to evaluate the effectiveness of the goals you set:
1. Do my goals complement my priorities and values?
2. Do my goals compete with one another or build on one another?
3. Are my goals specific?
4. Is my effort required to achieve these goals?
5. Who have I told, and who is praying with me about my goals?
6. Do my goals push me to generosity?
7. Do my goals help me do my job well and fairly?
8. Whatever the outcome, can I be content?
Praying these questions (and the full guide!) help you keep God as the foundation for your ambition – we’re so excited to see how He uses you!
Members, click here to login and download the full goal setting guide.
Not a member? Join the swHw community here and get instant access to this resource and many more like it (all while being connected to a tribe of women who share your priorities!)