Y’all. My heart – so full it could have exploded! From worshipping and serving, to praying and learning – Narrow was everything and more than I had expected. I’d love to share some of my favorite nuggets from this year’s conference with you:
This team and community is family.
I’m not sure if you know this – but many of us on the She Works HIS Way team had never met in person until the day before the conference! Would you have guessed it?! While we had been in many virtual conversations, we didn’t hug the necks of one another or hold hands in prayer until we arrived for Narrow. This was also the case for many of the attendees. I can’t tell you how many times I heard “She’s on my team and we’ve NEVER met in person!” Stop and think about how cool that is! We were made to be in community with one another not just spiritually, but physically as well. I don’t know about you – but there is healing and excitement through a hug! A sense of belonging. Comfort. It reminded me to position myself in front of people – in person and on a regular basis. People need people – and Narrow replenished my depleted people meter!
Conviction of Conversation
One of my favorite session takeaways was from Somer’s “Stop Doing List.”
Stop talking.
Simple concept – huge impact. As Somer so candidly expressed, “The Holy Spirit doesn’t chit-chat!” Besides nearly falling out of my chair in laughter at the thought, I was simultaneously struck with the conviction of allowing my introvertedness (fear, insecurities, etc.) to breed empty chatter. A need to fill the air with ANYTHING to not have a lull in conversation. We are called to be in control of our words. How can I hear what He is trying to communicate through me if I am clogging the pipeline?! Our words and conversation have power not because of us, but because He delivers them to us to communicate what He wants others to hear. Proverbs 20:15 says, “Wise speech is rarer and more valuable than gold and rubies.”
Save the drama for your mama.
Okay. Not really.
Being completely honest – I can’t remember a time where I walked away from an event without having some sort of drama rear its ugly head. Even at a women’s conference! GASP! Yep. I said it. But wouldn’t you agree?
So, how did we manage to escape the drama?!
From a behind-the-scenes perspective, I can say with confidence that each person on the team had their heart positioned to do what God gifted only them to do with the strongest desire to bring Him glory. It wasn’t about us. Not even the slightest bit. There weren’t any divas. No event-zillas. Just mature women in Christ wanting other believers to delight in Him. Because of that, I walked away feeling refreshed, excited, and ready to carry out His purpose for my life. I pray you did too!
Ministry is where YOU are.
Prior to joining the swHw team, I had worked at our local church for over 8 years in the communications department. It was what I considered my primary ministry opportunity. When God called me away from my position there to realign my priorities in our family life, it deeply grieved me. While I knew I was doing what the Lord willed for me, it was one of the most difficult decisions I had to make. Being at Narrow reminded me that as a Christ-follower, you never walk away from ministry. You might walk away from a job where you were doing ministry, but as a believer, your ministry is every second, of every day, in EVERYTHING you do. God reassured me through Narrow that I have a great impact not only for Him, but in my home and in my business. In that order. Had I not been obedient to His prompting me to restructure my life back to Him, I wouldn’t be blessed to do ministry and serve alongside the swHw team. Now that would be something to grieve!
We are so grateful for you ladies! Thank you for being part of our very first live swHw event! We’re already hard-charging and praying expectantly for Narrow 2018, so if you came this year – I can’t wait to hug your neck again next year. If you weren’t able to join us this time, I pray we are able to meet next year!