Hello! My name is Lauren Croft and I had the awesome privilege of working with Michelle, James, and their family this summer as an intern for she works His way. If you’ve ever wondered what life is like inside the Myers’ household, allow me to be the one to open the front door for you.

Here are my top three takeaways from this summer:

They really care.

Seriously, y’all. From the first phone call I had with Michelle about this internship, I could hear and feel the passion in her heart for the ministry, her family, and her relationship with Jesus. From that one phone call in my dorm room at Liberty University, I knew I wanted to work for her and her family because when someone cares that much, you just can’t help but follow suit. I’ll be honest, I truly had no idea what she really did for a living when we talked, but with as much energy and passion as she exuded over the phone, I wanted to know more.

I’ve seen Michelle and the team behind-the-scenes, which I wish you all had the opportunity to witness. They work extremely hard to serve the community of ladies God has entrusted to them, and they work even harder to make sure their walks with Jesus are in line so that they do not mislead you all in any way.

But since I actually got to work inside their home, I have to mention this: Michelle really cares about her family more than work. In fact, care would actually be an understatement when it comes to her family. When work is done for the day, her mind leaves her work in her office and she shifts to being physically, emotionally, and mentally present and available for her kids, her husband, and even myself.

I definitely gained a new set of parents this summer, in a good sense. Both James and Michelle made me feel right at home from day one, and I can’t thank them enough for how well they have taken care of me this summer.

What you see is what you get.

Yes. If you think the swHw team is the real deal online, they are even better offline. No lie. Many times, I find myself wondering if those who proclaim Christ over the Internet actually live by what they preach. So if you’ve been curious about the swHw team, let me make it clear:

This team is the REAL DEAL.

Are they perfect? No. Who is though?

Being a young adult, surrounded by a sea of individuals who are afraid to take off their masks, it’s refreshing to watch this team serve Jesus wholeheartedly and have a crazy amount of fun at the same time. Being a Christian does not mean you have to be boring, superficial, and fake. Being a Christian means you are a follower of Jesus Christ, and you are to seek Him with all that you’ve got.

I’ve watched these ladies + James interact on camera, over social media, and in person…nothing contradicts.

It is possible to walk with Christ in your occupation.

While watching this team seek God first and all else second, God has shown me that nothing we do is more important than building our relationship with Him. God wants you before He wants to see your business grow. It’s imperative that each of us learns this lesson now. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

Whether it’s work, family, friends, or school, we must seek God first and make sure that He is in it with us until the end. There is an indescribable joy that radiates from this team that can only be explained by Jesus.

Yes, there are difficulties and hard times, and yes, there are days where it doesn’t feel comfortable or convenient to keep God in the middle. But Christ did not call us to an easy life, nor did he call us to a comfy, convenient life.


This summer has “for real” (I now talk like the Myers’ boys!) been amazing. I would have never guessed that this summer would be filled with hours of jumping on the trampoline, frog hunting, an extremely precious baby girl named Shea, sitting at the feet of Michelle’s ingenuity as she bounces off ideas, and budgeting lessons from the numbers man himself, James. I even got to sit in on the planning meeting for the ministry’s first conference on my official first day.

But that’s exactly how this summer panned out and I enjoyed every moment of it. And even if you don’t get to sit at the swHw table or have lunch in the Myers’ home, I pray you’ll take advantage of every resource this ministry has to offer. And I can’t wait to meet tons of you at Narrow!

To the family I fell in love with this summer… THANK YOU for inviting me into your home and allowing me to be a part of your lives. I love you!

If you’d like to walk in the front door of the swHw ministry, here it is. We’d love to have you!