Let’s be honest. As working women, we have a hard time finding enough hours in the day to get everything done for work + our family, much less clean the house!

A few months ago I decided to create myself a cleaning schedule to keep me on track and help me not feel so overwhelmed with housework. It’s been a game changer for me! I found that by doing one chore a day, it helped to keep the house clean, but also not feel like I was spending hours a day cleaning. There are also a few things that I do every day that seriously takes about 10 minutes that really helps keep things tidy and organized!

If you’re like me, if you wake up to a dirty house, you’re not productive at all! I have to clean and feel organized before I can sit down and work without distractions!

I have created a basic cleaning schedule, so feel free to download it, crank up the music and get to cleaning!

I’d love to know if you find this cleaning schedule helpful! Would you add anything different to yours?

cleaning schedule