Give thanks in all circumstances. Choose joy when you endure trials… yeah, yeah, yeah. I know the Jesus drill.
But this time, when I read this verse, “for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” almost jumped off the page.
Let’s get real: Have you ever thought about thankfulness as being part of God’s will for your life?
This year, I’ve decided to put thankfulness intentionally on my radar. Everyone says it takes 21 days to form a habit, so I’m going to give myself 9 days cushion. For the entire month of November, I’m going to be using the ThanksLIVING Workbook to make sure my thankfulness and gratitude doesn’t just make me feel better or serve my to-do list.
I want my thankfulness to show others I belong to Christ.
This week, as we memorize this verse and begin focusing on gratitude, I invite you to really reflect on how thankfulness is more than just a suggestion. It’s more than something we do in November. Thankfulness is a part of God’s will for our lives.
Grab your free copy here, and join us on this gratitude journey!