Hey! Nice to meet you!
We’re She Works His Way.
We’re a discipleship and equipping community for working women who love Jesus!
Hey! Nice to meet you!
We’re She Works His Way.
We’re a discipleship and equipping community for working women who love Jesus!
Hit that rewind button real quick with us.
Let’s take it back almost 10 years when what started as four friends on a Google hangout decided we wanted to build a community of women who were feeling the tension we were feeling.
Insecurity, ambition (both Kingdom-driven and the selfish kind), the pressure of culture’s expectations, our heart’s tug to minister to people through our work, the desire for deep discipleship, working with excellence without striving for the world’s definition of success, the very real juggle work adds to the mix of the most important ministry of your home — we started covering it all on the @sheworkshisway Instagram account.
It started to be a daily journal of sorts where Michelle began unloading the conversations she felt deep in her soul – replacing her feelings of being misunderstood by feeling more connected to the women gathering there, solely through the power of Christ and the truth of God’s Word.
One thing was clear: Women wanted connection.
Between work from home opportunities being normalized and continued economic reeling from the global pandemic, it’s no longer abnormal to find Christian women in the workforce. Dual income households are the norm.
The women gathered here have one foot in the business/corporate world and one foot in the ministry world.
It looks different for all of us. Some of you have started non-profit legs of your for-profit business. Others took full-time church ministry positions and still work part-time in your secular field. For the rest, nothing may have changed on paper but you’re such a high-capacity volunteer at your church that you are every bit as committed there as you are to your paid position.
For the last 10 years, Somer and I have been regularly asked when we’re going to stop our other jobs or shocked others when they learned we still have other jobs. It’s always hard to know how to answer that question because we absolutely LOVE what we get to do here with you at SWHW. It’s genuinely the greatest joy in ministry we have.
We know it sounds crazy… but we’re not actually trying to leave our other gigs. In a totally different way, we love them too. In fact, Somer and I have both said on multiple occasions that our other jobs often fuel our passion for what we get to do here.
So, here’s to showing up everywhere God has called you while still prioritizing our lives around what matters most. Let’s keep growing – together.

meet michelle

meet michelle
meet somer
Somer knew she loved and was uniquely wired for work since her very first job at age 15. An entrepreneur at heart, she has spent time honing her skills in several industries and has built and sold a few small businesses. She Works His Way (founded with her best friend, Michelle) came into the picture at a time in Somer’s life when she began to notice it was getting increasingly difficult to be everything God made her to be and everything the world expected of her. God opened her eyes to the lies of culture and the freedom of working from a place of surrender, and since then she and Michelle have been yelling from the rooftops that God’s way is the only way, proving that women really can have it all as long as “it all” is driven by Matthew 6:33: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”
In addition to producing and co-hosting the SWHW Podcast, Somer is the creator of The 3 Step Planner, the Director of Leadership Development for South Shore Church, and the Communication Director and Women’s Discipleship Consultant for the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware.
You’ll find Somer in Annapolis, MD with her husband, Kent. They have two wonderful daughters who, in 2023, both married, adding two amazing sons-in-law to the family.

meet somer
Somer knew she loved and was uniquely wired for work since her very first job at age 15. An entrepreneur at heart, she has spent time honing her skills in several industries and has built and sold a few small businesses. She Works His Way (founded with her best friend, Michelle) came into the picture at a time in Somer’s life when she began to notice it was getting increasingly difficult to be everything God made her to be and everything the world expected of her. God opened her eyes to the lies of culture and the freedom of working from a place of surrender, and since then she and Michelle have been yelling from the rooftops that God’s way is the only way, proving that women really can have it all as long as “it all” is driven by Matthew 6:33: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”
In addition to producing and co-hosting the SWHW Podcast, Somer is the creator of The 3 Step Planner, the Director of Leadership Development for South Shore Church, and the Communication Director and Women’s Discipleship Consultant for the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware.
You’ll find Somer in Annapolis, MD with her husband, Kent. They have two wonderful daughters who, in 2023, both married, adding two amazing sons-in-law to the family.